[Salon] A radio interview this morning with WABC, New York


A radio interview this morning with WABC, New York

In introductory remarks to readers of his 2018 book War With Russia? Professor Stephen Cohen explained that unlike his previous publications the given volume was not written but spoken. What he meant was that nearly the entire book consisted of transcripts of his weekly radio broadcasts on ‘The John Butler Show’ on New York’s WABC. The show went on once a week at 10pm and had a nationwise audience.

Knowing this, I was particularly receptive to the suggestion of Frank Morano to appear on his “After Midnight” program, which he does on what trade union workers used to call “the lobster shift,” starting at midnight and running, I am told, for six hours.  I was invited to come on at 3.30 am Eastern Daylight Time.  That was 9.30 am Brussels time, and I had no problems accommodating Mr. Morano.

Curiously there must be a goodly number of insomniacs and other late to bed folks on the Eastern seaboard, because no sooner did the interview air than I got an email from someone in the States who said he had just listened to it and found it interesting notwithstanding the obvious problems with sound quality.

That technical issue, which is totally unrelated to the quality of my microphone, will be resolved before any future appearances on this show since its source has been identified.

Hopefully, readers of these pages will find the discussion is novel in its own way and does not cover the same ground as my other recent interviews.  I call special attention to my explanation of why I consider Mr Putin to have been ‘democratically’ elected when would be opposition candidates like Alexei Navalny were excluded from the ballot. I suggested that the answer could be found by asking Jill Stein and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. in the States how well their country practices democratic norms of free and fair elections.

But I will stop here. Wishing you enjoyable listening


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